Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Yet another stream-of-consciousness: Introversion

A state of being, but not being too much or near much.
I get to stay home and play games and read books and watch movies guilt free? Sweet!
                If we are talking in extremes then it is time for us to talk in bubbles. People exist in bubbles, and these bubbles vary in size and the general volume of things they encompass. An extrovert’s bubble is a rather large thing, encompassing quite a bit of space and possibly even encompassing other human beings within it, making it the extrovert’s state of being, but when the time comes for the extrovert to take a step back, clear her/his mind or just be refreshed, he/she will generally step out of the large bubble and go into the vast nothingness for a breather. An introvert’s bubble is rather small, you could call it a personal size, generally encompassing little beyond themselves and their core activities/passions and when the time comes for the introvert to take a step back, clear her/his mind or just be refreshed, he/she will generally step out of their personal bubble and go where things are voluminous.

Psychorner: A Slice of Dreariness

An unsavoury saviour.
Makoto Shinkai sure has a way of making dreary scenes look incredible. 
                There are many dreary things in this world, some big and some small. Ones of the small kind are the kind that get swept under the rug in terms of memorability and overall personal contentment. Why? Because they’re little things that end up being ‘a given’ in our minds, deservedly so because having a shower shouldn’t be something you consider a personal achievement. The bigger dreary things in life are the things we complain about, things that take up a chunk of time and effort and are also generally unavoidable, usually coming in the form of a ‘commitment’ or that contract to harvest the souls of the restless. Look at your daily life and you will surely find several activities that fall bang perfectly in this category: a commute, long work hours, compulsory attendance, cleaning your room/house/cow, wrestling invading bears, wrestling invading beers, purely tedious work and so on. If there’s something in common in between the things sequentially mentioned above in a string of words known as a sentence, it’s that these are all things we generally dislike doing, and what is another way to say ‘dislike doing’? ‘Dread doing’.