Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I just played... Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

 Featuring more cuts than a movie by an OCD crew.
                I seem to be making a lot of confessions these days, mostly to myself and the wall that I seem to enjoy talking to so much, and I’m continuing the trend here. I have never played a Metal Gear game before, is my confession, and Metal Gear Rising is my first Metal Gear game. And having the boxes stacked as such is much like confessing your love to your school crush on the day of her funeral.

I just played... Transistor

 A sword that is not a sword, with an awesome voice.
                I seem to be following my trend of existential sci-fi even when I don’t go around looking to do so. I am an existential person but I do like to go about occasionally experiencing something rather life-affirming, though a whole lot of the life affirming works plaguing me these days makes me want to do a root canal on myself using a buzz saw, but I suppose I can’t help the world. As the world buckles and heaves out yet another vampire-teenager-supernatural oestrogen centric work, I do turn around and enjoy showing these sci-fi works a fair bit more love, though I’d probably withhold on showing them such love considering that it is not love they are looking for.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I just watched... Bladerunner

 In the future: Indiana Jones became a bounty hunter after tiring of being President
                I find myself reaching a conclusion: Harrison Ford doesn’t play characters, he’s just himself in all the movies that he seems to find himself in. Let’s take a look at all his most iconic roles through adjective-based inquiries. Are they smug? Rogues? Sly? Non-Paragons? Of questionable base morality? Not quite the lover of rules? Now, which role am I talking about? Solo? Jones? How about all? Despite all this I find it amusing how he manages to still fit the role well… or does the role fit him? Oh dear the paradoxes.

I just watched... Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

 And I’m writing this after a long, drawn-out battle with a cockroach… which the cockroach won.
                Like a high school girl at her prom I have a confession to make: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, which I don’t have a proper short-form for since just calling it ‘Nausicaa’ is going to lead to all kinds of confusion that isn’t going to end well for you, is the second Ghibli and Miyazaki movie I have watched, with the other one being Princess Mononoke. And if I were to summarise my opinion of Princess Mononoke in a single frenzied word it’d be ‘wowzers’. Yes, I enjoyed the movie that much that I had to go beyond the reach of English language and draw out a word from the shadowy nether-reaches to summarise how much I loved it. Needless to say that my expectations rose as quickly as a man leaping to his death from atop the Eiffel tower, in reverse, and sped up 5x times. And thus I went to see the studio and Miyazaki’s first movie with lofty expectations: and spoiler-alert, I now have a man-crush on two Miyazakis.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I just played... Bioshock Infinite

In this reality, much wasted potential.
                I find pineapples rather interesting. How externally they are coarse and sharp, capable of leaving you with cuts to rival that of your average depressed teenager’s wrists; but the inside is something else, soft, sweet and delicious, with only a tinge of prickly fibre to remind you of its exterior. What does this have to do with Bioshock Infinite? Nothing, I just wanted to talk about pineapples for a moment.