Monday, June 30, 2014

I just watched... Baccano!

Yavar Ahmad enjoys talking a lot and writing a lot, without really using his mind.
Italian for 'ruckus' or 'chaos' 
                All in all, I’d have to say that Baccano! is the single most enjoyable thing I have ever experienced, and this enjoyment is boosted even further by the fact that it’s pretty damn re-watchable. It might not be the most incredibly dramatic and hair-in-your-pants-erect suspenseful, but it’s a ridiculously good watch worthy of the time of anyone ready to stomach the violence and capable of not taking an all-scouring eyeglass of extreme seriousness over everything in existence.

I just watched... Pulp Fiction

A ballad of foot massages, metric systems and other stuff.
                Tarantino has always been in a bit of an odd spot for me. If were to spontaneously materialise a list of things that, by all means, I should have experienced because they seem right up my alley then Tarantino would be up on that list, alongside things like Platinum Games and Monty Python. But now, thanks to the perchance of fate I have been able to finally watch Pulp Fiction, which many claim is his magnum opus. Of course, I don’t know if I can agree or disagree with that considering the fact that I just mentioned that is the fact that I haven’t really seen his other movies, with the only other Tarantino movie I’ve seen being Inglorious Basterds, I can’t really pass judgement whether it is HIS magnum opus.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I just watched... Mushishi

How often have you seen human creativity blossom?
                Episodic series are always an oddity when it comes to your personal motivation to watch it. Your mind has a tendency to frolic between extreme motivation to watch another episode and nil motivation to watch anything at all, like a frog hopping around on a pogo stick while overdosing on sugary treats. See, episodic series are akin to movies in the fact that they tend to start off and stop, just like a movie, but in every episode. This leads to a curiously strong dosage of excessive start and stop, as it occurs in every single episode owing to each one holding its own independent story.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I just watched... Grave of the Fireflies

Home Sweet Home
                Now I’m not a very metaphysical man, but if I were to get down and biblical I’d say that I really like the concept of the Seven Sins. Not because of what they are, but because of what they represent in mankind. You see, the catch of the Sins, is that yes, they are sins, but an inescapable truth is that all humans bear the Sins in some shape or form, which places our existence into a somewhat paradoxical plane as we try to avoid the Sins while being unable to change the fact that the Sins exist within us, that we are the Sins.