And I’m writing this after a long, drawn-out battle
with a cockroach… which the cockroach won.

a high school girl at her prom I have a confession to make: Nausicaa of the
Valley of the Wind, which I don’t have a proper short-form for since just
calling it ‘Nausicaa’ is going to lead to all kinds of confusion that isn’t
going to end well for you, is the second Ghibli and Miyazaki movie I have
watched, with the other one being Princess Mononoke. And if I were to summarise
my opinion of Princess Mononoke in a single frenzied word it’d be ‘wowzers’.
Yes, I enjoyed the movie that much that I had to go beyond the reach of English
language and draw out a word from the shadowy nether-reaches to summarise how
much I loved it. Needless to say that my expectations rose as quickly as a man
leaping to his death from atop the Eiffel tower, in reverse, and sped up 5x
times. And thus I went to see the studio and Miyazaki’s first movie with lofty
expectations: and spoiler-alert, I now have a man-crush on two Miyazakis.